Your Career Action Center
At this location, you can strongly enhance your career advancement and professional development with relevant membership affiliations, NBCA certification examinations, study guides, and more. After using the quick-link to your professional affiliation, simply click the action links on the right for detailed information and options.
Quick-links to Your AHS Professional Options: Medical Massage ¦ Personal Trainer, Fitness Consultant Holistic Health Practitioner ¦ Lymphedema Technician ¦ AcuMyoTherapy ¦ Scandinavian Mobilization Therapy
Holistic Health Care Practitioner Certification Exam
American Institute of Naturopathic Medicine
This Holistic Health Care national board exam is designed as an entry level exam for individuals that are entering the holistic health care profession. The questions are designed to cover introductory topics that pertain to the practice of holistic health care, anatomy, physiology, clinical nutrition, and herbal medicine. |

AcuMyoTherapy Public Safety Exam
American Institute of Naturopathic Medicine
This AcuMyoTherapy national board exam is designed as a certification exam for individuals that are working within the AcuMyoTherapy, tuina, acupressure, shiatsu, Asian medicine and Orthopedic Therapeutic Needling professions. The questions are designed to cover core topics that pertain to the practice of AcuMyoTherapy, tuina, acupressure, shiatsu, Asian medicine, Orthopedic Therapeutic Needling, cross infection control, indications and contraindications for patient care, and patient management.

Scandinavian Mobilization Therapy Diplomate in Manual Medicine Exam
The Academy of Scandinavian Mobilization Therapy
The Academy of Scandinavian Mobilization Therapy provides advanced training and credentialing for manual therapists including medical, osteopathic, chiropractic, naturopathic, and naprapathic physicians, as well as, physical, occupational, and massage therapists. The highly specialized joint mobilization techniques and exercises of Scandinavian Mobilization Therapy are taught at our residential training center located in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Scandinavian Mobilization Therapy training leads to advanced diplomate certification in Scandinavian Mobilization Therapy.
The diplomat examination for manual medicine national board certification is a complex multi-level examination. This demanding examination is modeled after exams that are provided to manual therapy physicians and individuals practicing health care at the masters and doctoral level. Diplomate training and testing is a routine practice in medicine, chiropractic and allied health care professions. The NBCA was the first to bring this professional status to the medical manual therapist. |

Lymphedema Technician Certification Exam
American Medical Massage Association
The Lymphedema Technician national board exam is designed as a certification exam for individuals that are entering the lymphedema therapy profession. The questions are designed to cover core topics that pertain to the practice of lymphedema therapy, cross infection control, and patient treatment. |

Medical Massage Therapy Diplomate Exam
American Medical Massage Association
This exam is the first exam in the US designed especially for massage therapists that practice medical or clinical massage and it was created to ensure the that the therapist has the knowledge to enter the work place and to handle basic medical massage procedures in a clinical environment. |

Personal Trainer - Fitness Consultant Exercise Specialist Certification Exam
National Association for Therapeutic Exercise
The Personal Training national board exam has been developed as an entry level exam for individuals that are entering the personal training profession. The questions are designed to cover introductory topics that pertain to the execution of personal training activities. |

AHS On-Site Seminars Register today for a rewarding on-site professional development seminar at American Health Source. Most of the on-site seminars are NCBTMB approved and will satisfy your continuing education needs. |